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Dave 'Speedo' Evans
Webmaster/Speedo Enthusiast

Hi from England

If you are new - post an introduction and tell us a little about yourself.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans

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Hi from England

Post by Norfcountryboy » Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:46 pm

Hi lads, I'm from England and I'll be 35 yo in a few months, so I'm old enough to remember when Real Men wore Speedo's and lads all wanted to be Real Men! I've put the hours in the gym and I'm not gonna hide my body. I've got the hips and abs to get away with it and I've got the balls- in both senses of the word- and the cock too, never had any problem about looking masculine. I do loads of mountain biking too and in our buddy group I'm the only guy who wears lycra but my mates have no problem with that. The lads all respect me and if I rocked up in baggies they'd probably think I was ill!
I'm into women and I also like getting sexual with other men. Don't believe in labels though, no one's gonna put me in a box, so I'm not Bisexual I'm Sexual. The way males should be!
Blue speedo's 6.5 hip2.JPG
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Real men wear Speedo's

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AJ Pheonix
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Re: Hi from England

Post by AJ Pheonix » Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:10 am

Right on Brother! Glad to know there's others out there who are comfortable with who they are without need labels and hang ups. Stay cool in your speedos!

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