G'day Guys,

Welcome to the Speedo Forum.

If you are a guest, you can only see a small portion of the forum. Members like posting their speedo selfies so I don't like that to be 100% public. However, joining is free.

If you are a new member, you need to email me your username so I can manually activate your account. This is a pain (for you and me) but it is the only way I've been able to keep the spam bots from ruining the forum. My email address is: DaveEvans@SpeedoFetish.com

This forum is free and I don't allow any advertising (except my own sites), if you would like to donate please click the link above, all donations go towards the hosting and maintenance of the forum for everyone to enjoy.

Dave 'Speedo' Evans
Webmaster/Speedo Enthusiast


If you are new - post an introduction and tell us a little about yourself.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans

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Post by frosthsky » Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:54 pm

Hi, I'm obviously new here. Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Dan, 24 years old and a huge fan of speedos. I myself own a few speedos, but don't really wear them often due to the fact that I look nothing like the guys on this site or like probably most of you.

I strive to better my body in order to wear my speedos proudly and show them off to all those who want to see, just as I would love to see others in the same way.

Anyway, I hope I'll be welcome here.

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