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Lifespan of Speedos

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

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Lifespan of Speedos

Post by speedoluv » Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:27 am


Just wondering what is the lifespan of a pair of speedos based on your personal experience? I have had very mixed experience with mine. I have one pair of Adidas that is still pretty good and stretchy even after more than 10 years and I still use it. I also have another pair that was quite loose already, after a few months of usage. Even after I tighten the drawstring, it still feels pretty loose.

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Re: Lifespan of Speedos

Post by jameshardmann » Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:05 am

it depends on the actual brand i spose. becasue you talk about speedos i think in terms of the type of swimsuit, and then talk about your adidas suits regarding lifespan.

generally the "speedo" brand speedos are pretty good quality. iv had the same pair for almost 6 years now, and they are still holding up fine. i only handwash them in warm water, no soap (mostly) and never in the washin machine. maybe thats why theyve lasted alot. plus i dont swim as often as others, when i got them i swam maybe 3 times per week in pool water (im assuming it chlorine and all the other chems in), but for the past 4 years ive not really swum in them in pools so...

i think alot depends on the material as well, i had previous "speedo" speedos which used to get a saggy bum after 1 or 2 years. and the material would sort of start getting those little balls or whatever. but thats cos we used to have to sit on the edge of the pool quite abit and it was concrete/brick/stone so...

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Re: Lifespan of Speedos

Post by rockman748 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:42 pm

I have had some that were Speedo brand bust they only lasted a few months. I wore them like 3x a week swimming in my local fitness center. I got another pair of Speedos that have held up a little better, but I didn't swim in them as often. I also have some red Aussiebums which are starting to lose some of the sticking after only six months, but I don't care, I'll still wear them. I am especially hard on my Aussiebums though. I wear them under my wetsuit when surfing in winter and in the summer I wear them under my board short (they're my favorite) because there where I live it's a small town, lots of tourists, and tons of small children running around, so I don't feel right wearing Speedos there, but at my fitness center I'll wear them.

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Re: Lifespan of Speedos

Post by speedoswimmer » Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:58 pm

The type of material used to make the suit also affects how long it lasts. The nylon/lycra blends tend to last the shortest amount of time, while the material blends that include polyester tend to last for a very long time.

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Re: Lifespan of Speedos

Post by Snowbrief » Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:07 am

speedoswimmer wrote:The type of material used to make the suit also affects how long it lasts. The nylon/lycra blends tend to last the shortest amount of time, while the material blends that include polyester tend to last for a very long time.
Agree, poly suits seem to retain their life better then the nylon suits, but my experience has been more the water you are swimming in. Fresh water such as lakes and rivers will do very little harm to the suit, don't have enough experience in salt water to judge.

If you are swimming in chlorinated pools, it will depend on the chlorine level. My previous pool couldn't maintain a decent chlorinated level, it was always so high that my Speedo suits wouldn't last too long, hell, even the board shorts faded! Then they replaced the filtration system, piping, and completely cleaned/re-grouted the pool, that they could maintain a decent, low chlorine level that my suits barely faded after months!

So the moral of my story, it has depended for me on the water I've been swimming in.
Let's keep it brief.

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Re: Lifespan of Speedos

Post by speedoluv » Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:00 am

Hey there, thanks to everybody for contributing your viewpoints! I appreciate all of your comments.

I have a small collection of swimtrunks and I do not wear all of them. I choose to wear a small number of them for swimming, thinking that this will minimise the damage to the rest of the swimtrunks so that their lifespan will be extended.

I was also wondering whether it is possible that some swimtrunks could deteriorate in quality even if you do not wear them, because of the materials that are used, such as the rubber elastic band, lycra material, etc.

One nightmare that I have is that some of the trunks could end up disintegrating without me even realising it LOL.

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Re: Lifespan of Speedos

Post by dhs » Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:34 am

speedoluv wrote:Hi,

Just wondering what is the lifespan of a pair of speedos based on your personal experience? I have had very mixed experience with mine. I have one pair of Adidas that is still pretty good and stretchy even after more than 10 years and I still use it. I also have another pair that was quite loose already, after a few months of usage. Even after I tighten the drawstring, it still feels pretty loose.
some of mine, last a long time, others not as long, I think it goes back to the old saying you get what you pay for it meaning the ones that don't last as long weren't good quality, but maybe some of yours that don't last as long have been stretched out too much from that good package of yours, sure does look exciting, I am getting excited right now thinking of that edible package of yours!


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