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Need some encouragement to leave the boardshorts at home!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:51 am
by electric2010
On the first week in November, we are going on a Mediterranean cruise, and I expect that this will be an excellent opportunity to leave the board shorts at home! Although there will probably be a lot of Americans on the cruise, I also would expect that there would be many Europeans. So I would hope that there will be plenty of guys in speedos or square cuts.

The cruise starts in Rome, and travels to Capri, Sicily, Greece, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovania, and ends in Venice.

Would love to get as much encouragement as possible...

Re: Need some encouragement to leave the boardshorts at home

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:21 am
by fbanks
Yes, yes, yes ... please do! I'm sure there is a deck or two on that boat that will be Speedo friendly. Maybe start with a nice square-cut and switch to a Speedo when you get in a comfort zone.

In place of the board shorts, I'd get a shorter style swimsuit and also a pair of running shorts that you can wear a Speedo under. Allows you to get to/from your room with some modesty, then drop them at your destination (that's how I do it). Pictures, please!

Re: Need some encouragement to leave the boardshorts at home

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:37 am
by rmf
Cruises are like secret Santa exchanges, you never know what you will get or expect. I think it's pretty much a known fact that one will see all types of things on a cruise. You should have no worries wearing them. As fbanks said, bring a pair of shorts so you can put them over your suit when you are walking around. If you are lounging by the pools or hot tub, by all means, wear them. As for the areas you are visiting, you are in the land of "Slips" (as they call swim briefs Italy).

If you go to any of those countries beaches, you will not feel even less out of place. However, I would say that you will need shorts if you want to walk around the restaurant area on land - at least in Italy. Even beach side restaurants and stands prefer men wear shirts and shorts. While it would probably depend on the restaurant if they would say something, most Italians look at it as having manners. It's a saying in Italy that 'only hillbillies come to the dinner table with no shirt on"... you can probably get the idea of the saying and that it would probably extend to wearing swim briefs to eat.

Pack your Speedo's & Square cuts (just in case) and have a good time!

Re: Need some encouragement to leave the boardshorts at home

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:56 am
by diveguy
I would say, as far as actual swimsuits go, pack ONLY speedos and maybe no more than one squarecut. NO board shorts, NO swim trunks, No baggies, No nylon running shorts (unless you actually run in them), etc. Then also bring some nice walk shorts, cargo shorts, bermudas, etc. that are definitely not meant for swimming in, and wear those over the speedos during times when covering up is called for. After all... it's the speedos underneath the shorts that you really yearn to be wearing as swimwear, and nothing other than a speedo will make you as happy. And now, you'll be forced to wear your speedo because that's the only type of swimsuit you have!

Speedos - wear 'em, rock 'em, own it! Enjoy!

Re: Need some encouragement to leave the boardshorts at home

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:49 am
by SpeedoShark
^ Diveguy has this figured out.

Re: Need some encouragement to leave the boardshorts at home

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:05 pm
by speedoluv
I think one good reason to bring only speedos and no boardshorts is that your luggage will be much lighter if you pack only speedos :)

Re: Need some encouragement to leave the boardshorts at home

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:30 am
by electric2010
Thanks to everyone for all of the great responses. I've got a month and a half to wait. Planning on diveguy's advice. Hope my resolve holds up until the day I pack!!

Speedoluv, your reason gave me a good laugh! We know that when it comes to luggage, every ounce counts. ;)

Re: Need some encouragement to leave the boardshorts at home

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:13 am
by electric2010
Because the cruise line made us a deal that we couldn't refuse, we rescheduled our cruise for next spring. This has actually been great for my speedo plans. Recently my wife wanted to know what I would want for Christmas. I told her that I would like a new swimsuit for the cruise. She knew that I wasn't talking board shorts, and agreed. Although she seemed like she would be OK with a brief, I felt that she would be happier if I bought a square cut. I had her help me pick a suit with a print. I didn't want a boring solid color suit. She also knows that the board shorts will not be making the trip! Just one small victory at a time.

Re: Need some encouragement to leave the boardshorts at home

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:03 pm
On my most recent trip to a generally family friendly beach I packed only speedos for proper swimwear. I packed two pair of mesh shorts to wear from the hotel room down to beach and back, but didn't pack any board shorts. It is a bit unnerving to leave the house knowing that the only swimwear you have packed is speedos but it was certainly helpful.
It may not be encouraged by others on the board here, but I also find a little whiskey before leaving the room helps too.

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